If you are not actively working with an instructor who is standing in the pool, please move to and remain in the deep end. This is for the safety and comfort of our instructors and students working with them.
We have planned eight sessions (as in past years) on Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:30 (again, as in past years), starting in January and continuing thereafter for consecutive Sundays, except for Super Bowl Sunday.
(If you haven’t been there before, here’s a link to a map of the Goucher campus: https://www.goucher.edu/documents/Goucher-Campus-Map.pdf The pool is building 3d.)
Annual Club dues are $20 per family/household. You can join/renew at the roll sessions or online or by mail – BUT YOU WILL BE DOING ALL OF US A FAVOR IF YOU JOIN/RENEW ONLINE BEFORE THE FIRST SESSION. (It makes for less chaos at the sign-in table.) Click Here to join electronically:
Cost for club members $10 per night for the first 3 nights, then $5 per night after that. Click Here to join electronically:
If you are already a current ACA member it is $5 per session for all sessions, please bring your ACA card. If you decide to purchase or renew your ACA membership, choose the PAC, Paddle America Club, membership type. https://aca.site-ym.com/general/register_member_type.asp?
If you are NOT a current BCKC member and do not wish to join, the cost is $10 per session and, in addition – unless you are a member in good standing of the ACA and can show us your ACA membership card – you must pay a one-time fee of $15, which will buy you a six-month introductory membership in the ACA.
1. All participants are required to sign the ACA’s form of liability waiver (even if you signed one last year). Minors are welcome, but a parent/legal guardian must sign a waiver for the minor. https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/612e4bfd92e80/web/
2. No float bags in the pool!
3. Your boat must be clean inside and out. (Goucher doesn’t like river scum in the pool.) A hose is usually available outside the entrance to the pool. Please use it if necessary before you bring your boat inside.
4. Observe the parking restrictions. Aside from dropping your gear close to the door, DO NOT park in a way that obstructs emergency vehicle access to the pool entrance.
5. Helmets are REQUIRED. The pool gets very crowded, and there is a definite risk of getting whacked in the head with a paddle. Spending Sunday night in the ER getting stitched up is not that much fun.
6. Please clear the building as promptly as possible after the end of each session. The lifeguard has homework to do and can’t leave until everyone is gone and the place is locked up.
7. Come at your own risk! Per the Club’s standard policies, by participating in Club activities you agree to release and hold harmless the Club, the volunteer instructors, and the Club’s officers and directors from any claims arising out of that participation, whether you fully appreciate the risks involved or not.
8. Minors can be in the pool only if: (1) they are under the supervision of a parent/guardian or other responsible adult and (2) they are in the pool for the purpose of learning to roll (or practicing their rolls).
9. If you are not actively working with an instructor who is standing in the pool, please move to the deep end. This is for the safety and comfort of our instructors and students working with them.
If you’re a newbie, there are generally a few extra boats available, but it’s best to make arrangements in advance of the session so you don’t end up sitting around watching everyone else having fun. If you want, post on the board and we’ll try to figure something out.
Any questions, feel free to contact eric.m.ruhl@outlook.com
$5 Pool fee is waived if you are acting as an instructor that night. Our great instructors are greatly appreciated and invaluable.
Cost for club members is $10 per night for the first 3 nights, then $5 per night after that.